Saturday, September 11, 2010

All About Women Heath - Menstrual Disorder - Menorrhagia

Dealing With a Heavy Period
By Tiffany Washko Platinum Quality Author

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Fibroids Miracle
Get Rid Of Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia)
or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)

Women are often dismayed to go through years of what would be considered "normal" periods, only to find at some point that their period has become heavy and rather unmanageable. Heavy periods, also called menorrhagia, are characterized by blood loss of more that 8 teaspoons per period (it's not easy to know exactly how many teaspoons of blood you lose), passing of large clots, and the need to change protection during the night.

Having said all that, a "heavy period" is still a very subjective term as periods vary from woman to woman in duration, the span between periods, discomfort and amount of blood loss. Heavy periods are not necessarily a problem unless they cause undue inconvenience or other physical issues such as anemia, which can cause fatigue, shortness of breath, faintness and when severe enough, angina.

Sometimes the cause of heavy periods is simply not known. In order to determine the cause in each individual, a visit to the doctor is necessary. Here are some possibilities:

o Hormonal Imbalance - During the course of the menstrual cycle, hormones rise and fall regularly. Sometimes around the time of perimenopause, these hormonal fluctuations get out of hand, causing heavier periods. Hormonal imbalances related to thyroid disease can have the same effect.
o Uterine fibroids - These are benign tumors that form in the uterus during childbearing years. They commonly cause heavy bleeding and/or longer periods.
o Polyps - Like uterine fibroids, polyps are benign, but they are smaller.
o Dysfunction of the ovaries - If the ovaries are not ovulating properly, menorrhagia may result.
o IUD (Intrauterine device) - IUDs are a well-known form of birth control, but are also well known for causing heavier periods.
o Miscarriage - One single very heavy period my signal miscarriage. An ectopic pregnancy may also cause heavy bleeding.
o Certain medications - anti-inflammatory drugs and anticoagulants may cause heavier periods.
o Cancer - Uterine, cervical or ovarian cancer can sometimes be the cause of heavy bleeding.
o Other conditions - pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, thyroid problems, or liver or kidney disease may be the cause of heavy periods.

If you're suffering from heavy periods, you should see your doctor to rule out any problems that require immediate attention. Most often, heavy periods signal hormonal imbalances that can be fairly easily corrected or other condition that may require little or no intervention unless the bleeding is causing disruptions in your life.

It isn't necessary to panic over heavy periods, especially if they come at regular intervals and you're feeling well otherwise. If you're reaching the years of perimenopause, heavier periods almost always come with the territory.

Be sure to always have your yearly exam done and if you feel the need, visit your doctor before it's time for your next exam to discuss your concerns. If you notice sudden, unusually heavy bleeding, or heavy periods accompanied by unusual discomfort, you should seek the advice of your doctor immediately.

Tiffany Washko is the editor of Goddess of the Garden, , a raw foods reform site for women that focuses on transitioning to health and happiness with the power of a raw foods diet.

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

All About Women Heath - Menstrual Disorder - Menorrhagia

Ayurveda Medicinal Properties of Punarnava Or Boerhavia Diffusa
By Dr. Savitha Suri

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Boerhavia diffusa or Punarnava belongs to the family Nyctaginaceae. This is also known as spiderlings as this plant grows low and spreads like a spider web. Boerhavia diffusa is identified by the name Punarnava in India. Ayurvedic texts immensely praise the medicinal properties of this plant.
The juice of this plant has varied taste. It tastes sweet, bitter and astringent. Ayurveda acharyas indicate the properties of punarnava as light (laghu), dry (Ruksha) and hot potency (ushna veerya). All parts of plant are used in ayurvedic herbal preparations.
Medicinal properties of Punarnava or Boerhavia diffusa
According to texts of ayurveda this plant alleviates all three doshas.
In Arthritis: It helps to reduce inflammation and pain in joints.
In Indigestion: Punarnava acts as a carminative, increases appetite, digests ama and reduces abdominal pain. It also relieves constipation.
In cough: It helps to reduce productive cough and asthma
Impotence:Seeds of punarnava are used in Vajikarana Preparations. It increases hard erections and quality and quantity of semen. It rejuvenates male reproductive system.
In Skin Diseases: It is very useful in skin diseases like scabies. It is considered as an excellent natural remedy for guinea worms
In Anaemia: Boerhavia diffusa combined with other herbal ingredients help in treating anemia
In Renal diseases: It acts as a diuretic and is used in ayurvedic preparations for renal calculi (kidney stone), Cystis and nephritis.
In liver disorders:Punarnava is widely used to rejuvenate liver and detoxify it. It helps in jaundice o r hepatitis. It is employed in Brazilian herbal medicine to stimulate the emptying of the gallbladder and for all types of liver disorders
In menorrhagia: Boerhavia diffusa is used as an active ingredient in ayurvedic preparations for menorrhagia
Body Rejuvenation: It rejuvenates whole body and gives a new life and health (Hence the name Punarnava (New again)). It strengthens the body and normalizes doshas. This helps to boost the immunity to diseases.
Note: Cardiac patients should use this herb under the supervision of a qualified doctor.
The author Dr.SavithaSuri is an Ayurvedic Physician and web master of Ayurveda free consultations. Read complete article at Ayurveda properties punarnava

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

All About Women Heath - Menstrual Disorder - Menorrhagia

Herbs in M2 Tone Tablet
By Dr Rajesh Nair

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Andropogon muricatus, also known as Usheer, has been used to treat chronic head ache, debility and asthma.The useful part of this drug is its moola (roots) are bitter, sweet refrigerant, aromatic, digestive, antiemetic, constipating and antispasmodic. They are also useful in vitiated condition of Pitha and vata, burning sensation, ulcers, skin diseases, nausea, vomiting, hiccough, asthma etc.Plant pacifies hyperdipsia, ulcer, skin diseases, vomiting nausea, flatulence, dyspepsia, colic, cough, fever, low back pain, headache and general debility.
Nelumbium speciosum is a large aquatic plant with slender, elongate, branched and creeping rhizomes. From the nodes, roots and leaves arise. Leaves are peltate, 60-90 cm in diameter, petioles very long, smooth or with small prickles, much raised out of water. Flowers are solitary, large, fragrant, white or rosy with a centrally located yellow sponchy torus in which carpels are sunken; fruits are ovoid, nut like achenes. Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, urinary and cardiac system disorders, hyperdipsia, diarrhea, and vomiting, burning sensation on the body, nervous exhaustions, skin diseases, urinary retention and general debility.
Useful part: Whole plant.
Cuminum sativus is a small, slender annual herb, with a much-branched angular or striated stem, bearing 2 or 3 partite linear leaves, bluish green in color and having sheathing bases. The chief constituent of the volatile oil is cumaldehyde. In indigenous medicine, cumin seeds have long been considered stimulant and carminative. They are stomachic, astringent and useful in diarrhea and dyspepsia; improves appetite and taste. They are now chiefly used in Veterinary medicine. The seeds showed antifertility and abortifacient activity in female rats. They have been credited with aphrodisiac properties.
Zingiber officinale is an herbaceous, perennial herb, with aromatic rhizomes. Its principal constituents are Zingiberene (a- and b-zingiberene), and zingiberol. Ginger is valued in medicine as a carminative and stimulant to the gastro-intestinal tract. It is much in vogue as a household remedy for indigestion, relieves dyspepsia, flatulence and colic. Ginger is reported to contain an anti-histaminic factor. It is included among anti-depressants and it forms an ingredient of some anti-narcotic preparations. It is soothing for cough, colds, flu and other respiratory problems.
Mesua ferrea is a medium-sized to large evergreen tree with solitary flower and numerous stamens. Its principal constituent is the volatile oil from the flowers shows antibacterial, antifungal and antihelmintic activities. It exhibits significant anti-inflammatory and styptic activity.
Caryophyllus aromaticus is a pyramidal or conical evergreen tree with gland dotted leaves cultivated mainly for the flower buds (cloves).The clove bud oil contains free eugenol, eugenol acetate, Gallic acid and caryophyllene as its main constituents that are good antioxidants. The cloves are aromatic, stimulant and carminative. They are used in various forms of gastric irritation and dyspepsia. They are administered to relieve nausea and vomiting, to correct flatulence and to excite languid digestion. The oil is used as a local analgesic for hypersensitive dentine and carious cavities; a mixture of oil and zinc calx is used as a temporary filling for tooth-cavities. Used externally, the oil is rubefacient and counterirritant; internally, it is carminative and antispasmodic. Caryophyllus aromaticus is useful in coughs and other respiratory disorders. It improves the breath and is a popular remedy for sore throat, headaches and coryza.
Piper cubeba (Kankola ) consists of mature, dried fruits of Piper cubeba (Fam. Piperaceae); woodly, climbing, perennial with dioeceous flowers in spike, cultivated to a small extent in India, especially in the Karnataka state; fruits collected when mature but still unripe and carefully dried. Large trees with gray, scaly, fibrous bark. Leaves 3-foliolate; petiole angular or winged; leaflets sub sessile, elliptic-lanceolate. Flowers bluish-white, in terminal paniculate cymes. Drupe globose.Bangalore, Chikmagalur, Coorg, Hassan, Kolar, Mysore, North Koran, Shimoga, South Koran, Tumkur. South India, Sri Lanka Aruci; Mukharoga; Mutrakrcchra; Sula. Fruits-stomatitis, cardiac diseases, anorexia, blindness, leprosy, worm infestation, digestive, carminative.
Nardostachys jatamansi is an erect and perennial herb. Its principal constituents are jatamansone, jatamanshic acid and virolin. It has analgesic and stimulant properties. The oil possesses antiarrhythmic and hypotensive activity. It promotes hair growth and imparts a black color to the hair. Jatamansone, an active principle of N. jatamansi, brings forth a significant reduction in hyperactivity, restlessness and aggressiveness in hyperactive children.
Bombax ceiba is a lofty, deciduous tree with horizontally, spreading branches. The bark, on analysis, possesses tannins and non-tannins. It also contains lupeol, ß-sitosterol and its D-glycosides. The bark is given as a demulcent, emetic and tonic. Externally, it is used as a styptic, and also for fomenting wounds. The gum is credited with astringent, tonic, and demulcent properties and is used for dysentery, hemoptysis in pulmonary tuberculosis, influenza and menorrhagia.
Shuddha Gairika bhasma chemically Hematite Calx is an astringent, hematinic, which is useful for diarrhea.
Yashad bhasma / Jasad bhasma contains Zinc Calx is specially processed zinc. Zinc plays a significant role in protein synthesis, in cell division and in wound healing. It has shown beneficial effects in acne and is known to have antiseptic and astringent properties. Animals fed zinc deficient diets show anorexia, weight loss, growth retardation, various skin dystrophies and impaired glucose metabolism. These have also been observed in man. With age the zinc content of the abdominal aorta decreases. It is administered in sprue, diabetes, leucorrhea and hyperhydrosis.
Vang bhasma chemically known as Tin Calx is prepared from tin metal and has a wide range of therapeutic uses with special reference to the diseases of the genito-urinary tract. It is effective against a wide range of organisms in the urinary tract and thus, is of great clinical usefulness and efficacy in urinary tract infections of various origins. It improves digestion, is useful in wasting diseases and cures all 'pramehas' (A prameha is a urinary tract disease characterized by polyurea and turbid urine).
Muktashukti bhasma (MSB), an Ayurvedic compound, consisting of pearl, Aloe Vera and vinegar, inhibited acute and sub acute inflammation in albino rats as induced by sub planter injection of carrageenan, histamine, 5-HT, nystatin and subcutaneous implant of cotton pellets. In all the test procedures the anti-inflammatory response of 1000 mg/kg MSB was comparable to the response observed with 300 mg/kg acetylsalicylic acid (ASA). Oral premedication with MSB delayed castor oil-induced diarrhea in rats, indicating its prostaglandin inhibitory activity. The anti-inflammatory activity of the compound is attributed to its ability to cause inhibition of prostaglandins, histamine and 5-HT and also by stabilization of the lysosomal membranes. The anti-inflammatory activity of MSB seems one third to half as potent as ASA.
Mandur bhasma contains Ferric Oxide Calx is prepared by purifying and calcinating iron rust. Mandura is especially useful in anemia, amenorrhea, dysmenorrheal, menorrhagia, chlorosis, hepatic and splenic disorders. It is also used in diarrhea, chronic bowel complaints, dyspepsia, intestinal worms, nervous diseases, neuralgia of the 5th nerve due to debility, kidney diseases, albuminuria, etc. It is a powerful hematinic and tonic and is valuable in the treatment of hemolytic jaundice and microcytic anemia.
Kaseesam (Ferri Sulphas) is stringent, and acid. It is heating. It checks Vaata and Kapha. It is useful in the treatment of Visha, diseases of the eye, Leucoderma, Kushta and wounds
Action: - Astringent haematinic.
Uses: - It is considered in high esteem as a haematinic in cases of anemia and bloodlessness. It is also given as a substitute for other preparations of iron. For its astringent properties it is given in combination with other drugs in cases of dysentery, diarrhea and hemorrhage. In certain cases of jaundice and anemia it is considered as a specific. It improves the colour and vigor of the body by enrichening the blood.
Abhrak bhasma contains Biotite Calx is prepared by treating biotite (mica) with the juices of a number of reconstituent plants that make it a powerful cellular regenerator. It is a nervine tonic and is also widely used in respiratory tract infections, and anemia. It contains iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium and aluminum in traces.
Saraca asoca is a small evergreen tree.Its principal constituents are a steroid component and a calcium salt. The bark of Saraca indica contains the estrogenic compound ketosterol. The bark has a stimulating effect on the endometrium and ovarian tissue, is useful in menorrhagia due to uterine fibroids, in leucorrhea and in internal bleeding, where ergot is indicated. It is well established for its effectiveness in menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea. It also has a stimulatory effect on the ovarian tissue and may produce an estrogen-like effect that enhances the repair of the endometrium and stops bleeding.
Symplocos racemosa is an evergreen tree or shrub; with white flowers turning yellow and purplish black drupes.Its principal constituents are the three alkaloids, viz. loturine, loturidine and colloturine. The astringent bark is given for the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery and liver complaints. It is recommended in the treatment of menorrhagia and other uterine disorders. The stem bark is having anti-inflammatory property as well as hypothermic properties.
Bryonopsis laciniosa is an herb common in India It is found in many parts of the world, like USA. This is counted as an invasive plant. This plant is a member of Cucurbitaceae plant family. This is an herbaceous, slender, extensive, monoecious climber. The leaves are palmately 3-7 lobed, membranous, and glabrous. The flowers are creamy white, in axillary fascicles. The berries are nearly sphericle and smooth. The seeds are obviate, creamy-white or pale yellow, minutely scorbiculate. The flowering season is August to December. In Ayurveda the leaves and the seeds are used for treatment of fevers with flatulence and as tonic, the plant is also useful in inflammation.
Terminalia chebula is a tree with a rounded crown and spreading branches. Its principal constituents are chebulagic, chebulinic acid and corilagin. Its fruits have laxative, stomachic, tonic and alterative properties. It is also known as an adaptogen, and hepatoprotective drug. It acts as a gentle laxative and helps in smooth evacuation. It is an effective purgative and helps in removing toxins and fats from the body, resulting in their reduced absorption.
Adhatoda zeylanica is an evergreen, gregarious, stiff perennial shrub. Its principal constituents are the several alkaloids which are present in the drug and its chief principal is a quinazoline alkaloid, vasicine. The leaves are rich in Vitamin C and carotene and yield an essential oil. The shrub is the source of the drug, vasaka, well known in indigenous systems of medicine for its beneficial effects, particularly in bronchitis. The leaves, flowers, fruits and roots are extensively used for treating cold, cough, whooping-cough, chronic bronchitis and asthma. It acts as a sedative-expectorant, antispasmodic and antihelmintic. The leaf-juice is stated to cure diarrhea, dysentery and glandular tumor, and, is given as an emmenagogue. The powder is reported to be used as a poultice on rheumatic joints, as a counter-irritant on inflammatory swellings, on fresh wounds, urticaria and in neuralgia. It has strong coagulant action which is very useful to minimize blood loss and also possesses uterine stimulant activity and acts as uterotonic. It is also useful in postpartum hemorrhage.
Ficus bengalensis is a very large tree, with spreading branches. The stem bark contains ß-sitosterol, a-D-glucose and meso- inositol. The leaves contain petunidin di-glycoside and quercentin 3-galactoside. The fruits contain cyanidin rhamnoglycoside and polysaccharides. Various parts of the plant are considered medicinal. The milky juice is externally applied for pains and bruises and as an anodyne in rheumatism and lumbago. It is also used as a remedy for toothache. The leaves are heated and applied as poultice to abscesses. The bark is tonic, astringent and cooling. The seeds are also considered as cooling and tonic.
Cedrus deodara is a large evergreen tree. The bark is thick, furrowed vertically and cracked transversely. Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, pain, arthritis, ear ache, inflammation, headache, epilepsy, insomnia, cough, bronchitis, hiccough, diabetes, urinary tract infections, calculi, skin diseases and cardiac disorders.
Useful parts: Leaves, Heartwood, Oil.
Hygrophilia auriculata is a robust, erect, annual herb, with sub-quadrangular stem, thickened at nodes and yellow spines in leaf axis. It is used in disorders of the genitourinary system and is helpful in the cases of impotence, spermatorrhea and seminal debilities.
Asparagus racemosus - a much-branched, spinous under-shrub, with tuberous, short rootstock bearing numerous fusiform, succulent, tuberous roots. The plant contains triterpene saponins - Shatavarin I - IV, which are phytoestrogen compounds.The plant, is used as a demulcent, diuretic, aphrodisiac, and galactagogue. The root extracts exhibit antiallergic activity. Along with the leaves of Gymnema sylvestre, they are given to diabetic patients.
Emblica officinalis is a deciduous tree with exfoliating bark. Its fruit contains the highest amount of vitamin C in natural form and cytokine-like substances identified as zeatin, z.riboside, and z.nucleotide. Its fruit is acrid, cooling, refrigerant, diuretic, laxative and used in the preparation of hair dyes. A fixed oil extracted from the fruits is reported to have the property of promoting hair growth. The dried fruit is useful in hemorrhage, diarrhea and dysentery. It has anabolic, antibacterial, expectorant, cardio tonic, antipyretic, ant oxidative, antiviral, and anti-emetic and resistance building properties and used in the treatment of leucorrhea and arteriosclerosis. It is antibacterial and its astringent properties prevent infection and help in the healing of ulcers. It is used as a laxative to relieve constipation in piles. It has anti-inflammatory activity and is used for its activity against human pathogenic Epidermophyton, Trichophyton, Absidia ramosa and Microsporon gypsum. It has proven effective in a number of dermal diseases.
Dr Rajesh Nair is the consultant of world's largest online ayurvedic store Please check his favourite PCOS medicines

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

All About Women Heath - Menstrual Disorder - Menorrhagia

Menstruation Disorder V - Understanding Menorrhagia - Definition, Causes and Symptoms
By Kyle J Norton Platinum Quality Author

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Get Rid Of Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia)
or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)

I. Introduction

As we mentioned in previous articles menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining. It is normal to the reproductive system of women and happens on a regular basis. Normal menstruation happens around 3 to 7 days. During the monthly menstrual cycle, female sex hormones prepare the uterus to support a pregnancy. If pregnancy happens, menstruation will be suspended until giving birth of a child, abortion, or miscarriage. Otherwise the uterine lining sheds and menstrual blood, tissues, fluid and mucus leave the body through the vagina caused by natural reaction in the female reproductive system from low levels of certain growth hormones.

II. Menorrhagia

The last stage of the menstrual cycle is the shedding of an endometrial lining's blood vessels. Normally,the process of blood forming clots occurs(coagulation) to limit and repair the damaged blood vessel resulting in a stoppage of blood flow. Menorrhagia is an abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual period with excessive menstrual bleeding lasting longer than 7 days or blood loss exceeding 80 ml caused by abnormal blood clotting, disruption of normal hormonal regulation of periods, or disorders of the endometrial lining of the uterus.

Since normal menstrual cycle about 28 days in duration, with bleeding lasting an average of total blood loss less than 80 mL, women with menorrhagia over the menstruation may have blood loss greater than the body's iron reserves and reproduced by the body leading to anemia.

III. Causes

1. Stress
Women whp cannot adjust to events in life that are stressful, or seem to be stressful in their mind causes hormone imbalance resulting in overproduction of either estrogen or progesterone.
2. Hormone imbalance
For whatever reason, heavy blood flow may also occur for most women.
3. Vitamin K deficiency
Vitamin K is blood coagulation. Normally produced by bacteria in the intestine, women with intestine diseases may not produce enough vitamin K to stop the heavy flowing of blood during menstruation.
4. Anemia
Women with the type of anemia having red blood cells breaking down faster than normal people, may also have heavy flowing of blood during menstruation caused by regular blood flow and breaking off of red blood cells thereby, reducing the coagulation function.
5. Perimenopause
Women in the perimenopause normally have higher levels of estrogen levels and lower levels of progesterone because ovulation is less consistent.

IV. Symptoms

1. Spotting or bleeding between menstrual periods
2. Excessive menstrual bleeding
3. Heavy period
4. Symptoms of anemia (caused by loss of iron in the blood)
5. Constant pain in the lower abdomen during menstrual period
6. Irregular menstrual periods

I hope this information will help to rejuvenate your health and detoxify your body. If you need more information, please follow my article series of the above subject at my home page at:

Kyle J. Norton

All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have all the links intact.

I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

All About Women Heath - Menstrual Disorder - Menorrhagia

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding - Find Natural Relief
By Kelly Carson Platinum Quality Author

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or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)

Heavy menstrual bleeding is a condition known as menorrhagia. It can be caused by a variety of different factors. In young teenage girls who are going through puberty and experiencing their first several periods as well as in women who are pre-menopausal, heavy bleeding can be due to fluctuating hormones. Often, in these cases, the heavy bleeding can be brought under control by taking birth control pills.

Other common causes of heavy, prolonged menstrual bleeding are ailments such as endometriosis and fibroids. Cancer is also a cause of heavy bleeding. To accurately diagnose the exact or most probable cause of heavy menstrual bleeding it is important to see a doctor.

The impact of menorrhagia is something that can only be appreciated by someone who has experienced it. The heavy bleeding, which is very often accompanied by blood clots, can be extensively disruptive to normal, daily life. Many women find that they begin to feel confined to their homes because they are afraid to go too far away from a bathroom. When a heavy menstrual flow lasts much longer than is normal the distress and frustration can begin to feel overwhelming.

Birth control pills are often one of the first things women are given in an attempt to regulate their menstrual cycle. When this does not work, unfortunately, the next "cure" that is often discussed is the surgical option of having a hysterectomy. By the time a women has been experiencing heavy, prolonged bleeding for perhaps several weeks or even longer, she is often so worn out, stressed, anemic, and so intensely wanting to be able to live a normal life again that the hysterectomy becomes almost a blessing in her mind.

Sadly, in so many cases, surgery is not something that is necessary, rather it is a desperate grasp at whatever "cure" is offered. It is to many women the one final hope that their bleeding will finally stop and they can return to normal living again. There are times, of course, when surgery is necessary. Sometimes it is even a matter of life or death. But, too often, it is used when other, more natural remedies, are available, but not utilized.

Women who suffer with menorrhagia need to seek out not only advice from their physician, but also from other women who have been through the same experience. Many women have found relief from the use of natural remedies that have been around for a long time and have been helping women for hundreds of years. One such natural remedy is the use of the raspberry leaf. The raspberry leaf can be used to make a great tasting tea that contains a high concentration of just the right minerals and nutrients to help heal a variety of female reproductive related issues.

There are other herbs and natural supplements that are available on-line and in health food stores that have been known to also help with women's heavy bleeding, fibroids, and even before, during, and after pregnancy. It is important to do plenty of research on the different options available. Learn not only what the options are, but also why the particular product does what it does. What nutrients does each product have and what ailments have been successfully helped, or even cured, by the addition of those particular nutrients into the diet.

Medical doctors know many things about the human body and are an essential part of helping to maintain a healthy body throughout life. However, there is much that is not studied by physicians when it comes to good old-fashioned natural home remedies. If surgery is a necessity, then it is the option which must be taken. But if it is not a matter of life or death, it can be much more beneficial to research, learn about, and then try the best natural remedies that can be found.

Instead of undergoing a surgical procedure and allowing the removal of body parts that function in ways that even doctors do not completely understand, try instead to add, by way of nutrition, what is needed to help heal whatever has become unbalanced and is causing a problem. It seems to be common sense to realize that most people who go about healing themselves by fortifying their bodies with healthy, nutritional products, will find that not only will their health concern disappear, but they will also begin to feel better and stronger than they have in a long time.

Kelly Carson

I hope you will visit my blog at the above link where you will find more information about women's menstrual disorders.

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Monday, August 2, 2010

All About Women Heath - Menstrual Disorder - Menorrhagia

Menstruating Could Be Making You Weak - Know How to Fight Menorrhagia
By Monika Bon

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Get Rid Of Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia)
or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)

There are millions of reasons why we feel tired: from lack of sleep and begin under pressure of stress to being hung-over. One reason why women feel down and a little under the weather is menorrhagia-an abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding. This is very often overlooked and many women just cannot function normally in their daily lives. Unfortunately, not knowing the cause, they cannot change anything.

In many cases, exact causes of menorrhagia are unknown or hard to determine and treatment nonexistent and unsuccessful.

How to know if bleeding during your period is abnormally heavy?

Normally during a period that lasts 5 days a woman loses 25 to 80 ml blood. If your blood flow is more than 80 ml, it is very possible that you are suffering of menorrhagia. A regular tampon usually holds about 5 ml of blood, so in order to count your blood loss, see how many tampons you go through during your period.

If you constantly feel tired, even after a good night's sleep and suspect you might be experiencing menorrhagia, see your OB/GYN. If he or she cannot find anything serious, but you still keep losing too much blood and feel down, you can easily help yourself feel better. The results might be pleasantly surprising.

When you lose blood, your organism becomes deficient in iron. Iron can catalyze production of toxic free radicals and its d deficiency can lead to anemia. The closer our organism gets to anemia, the more exhausted you feel even if you just got up and should be rested.

Do not wait until you become anemic! Then you might need serious treatment, which can be avoided by watching your diet and taking the right dietary supplements.

The best way to supplement your iron needs after heavy menstruations is by taking advanced B-complex vitamins together with vitamin C. This way maximum absorption of the vitamin B is achieved.

Vitamin B is essential for many key functions in the body. It helps decrease stress and improves your mood, increases energy and promotes cardiovascular health.

Vitamin B-complex is a necessity for vegetarians, because they are not getting essential nutrients that are present in red meat. However, eating too much of red meat can harm your arteries and impact cardiovascular health. Even if you are not vegetarian, many physicians recommend reducing consumption of red meat and taking dietary supplements instead.

Getting enough iron and vitamin B directly from food is not easy anyway. Spinach, kale greens, lentils and fish are among the most available sources of iron. However, in case of menorrhagia, none of these food products can provide as much iron as heavily menstruating woman needs.

Try fighting your fatigue and boosting energy with Isotonix Advanced B-Complex. Millions of women feel stronger and look better with a help of world's most advanced nutraceuticals []. Wouldn't you want to take your health issues in your own hands?

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Monday, July 26, 2010

All About Women Heath - Menstrual Disorder - Menorrhagia

Female Reproductive System Terminology, Diseases and Conditions
By Angel Bean

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Get Rid Of Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia)
or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)

The female reproductive system consists of the following: vulva which is the female external genitalia, labia majora, labia minora, the labia are the outer lips of the vagina and the vulva is the whole thing together from the outside, vaginal orifice, urethral orifice, hymen which is a layer that ruptures when a female has intercourse for the first time, the clitoris which is a small structure that gets hard upon erection in women, Bartholin's glands on both sides of the vagina that produce fluid, the ovaries which are the female gonads and there are two of those. The product of the ovaries is the ova. The activities of the ovaries are controlled by the pituitary and ovarian hormones. The ovaries use chemical feedback to balance.

The female reproductive system also includes the fallopian tubes, the uterus or womb which is shaped like a pear and has three parts the endometrium or inside lining of the uterus, the myometrium which is the muscle mass of the uterus, and the peritoneum which is the outer layer of the uterus, the vagina, mammary glands, menstruation every 28 days is the shedding of the lining of the uterus, menarche is the onset of periods or the onset of puberty, menopause is the cessation of menstruation, copulation is sexual intercourse and pregnancy is nine months of gestation divided into three trimesters.

An ectopic pregnancy is when the fertilized baby is in the tubes and the baby ruptures. Menorrhagia is heavy bleeding in women. Females can have tumors of the reproductive organs, ovarian cysts, fibroids, fibrocystic disease, and malignant tumors of the breast. A monthly breast self-examination includes inspecting the breasts for nodules and this is done right after the woman's period as it is less painful after your period to do a breast self-examination.

Overall in males and females urinary tract infections are more common in the elderly as they are not as thirsty as younger people, they don't have the same sensations in their genitourinary tract as younger people and in females there is a short urethra that is prone to infection.