Saturday, September 11, 2010

All About Women Heath - Menstrual Disorder - Menorrhagia

Dealing With a Heavy Period
By Tiffany Washko Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Fibroids Miracle
Get Rid Of Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia)
or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)

Women are often dismayed to go through years of what would be considered "normal" periods, only to find at some point that their period has become heavy and rather unmanageable. Heavy periods, also called menorrhagia, are characterized by blood loss of more that 8 teaspoons per period (it's not easy to know exactly how many teaspoons of blood you lose), passing of large clots, and the need to change protection during the night.

Having said all that, a "heavy period" is still a very subjective term as periods vary from woman to woman in duration, the span between periods, discomfort and amount of blood loss. Heavy periods are not necessarily a problem unless they cause undue inconvenience or other physical issues such as anemia, which can cause fatigue, shortness of breath, faintness and when severe enough, angina.

Sometimes the cause of heavy periods is simply not known. In order to determine the cause in each individual, a visit to the doctor is necessary. Here are some possibilities:

o Hormonal Imbalance - During the course of the menstrual cycle, hormones rise and fall regularly. Sometimes around the time of perimenopause, these hormonal fluctuations get out of hand, causing heavier periods. Hormonal imbalances related to thyroid disease can have the same effect.
o Uterine fibroids - These are benign tumors that form in the uterus during childbearing years. They commonly cause heavy bleeding and/or longer periods.
o Polyps - Like uterine fibroids, polyps are benign, but they are smaller.
o Dysfunction of the ovaries - If the ovaries are not ovulating properly, menorrhagia may result.
o IUD (Intrauterine device) - IUDs are a well-known form of birth control, but are also well known for causing heavier periods.
o Miscarriage - One single very heavy period my signal miscarriage. An ectopic pregnancy may also cause heavy bleeding.
o Certain medications - anti-inflammatory drugs and anticoagulants may cause heavier periods.
o Cancer - Uterine, cervical or ovarian cancer can sometimes be the cause of heavy bleeding.
o Other conditions - pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, thyroid problems, or liver or kidney disease may be the cause of heavy periods.

If you're suffering from heavy periods, you should see your doctor to rule out any problems that require immediate attention. Most often, heavy periods signal hormonal imbalances that can be fairly easily corrected or other condition that may require little or no intervention unless the bleeding is causing disruptions in your life.

It isn't necessary to panic over heavy periods, especially if they come at regular intervals and you're feeling well otherwise. If you're reaching the years of perimenopause, heavier periods almost always come with the territory.

Be sure to always have your yearly exam done and if you feel the need, visit your doctor before it's time for your next exam to discuss your concerns. If you notice sudden, unusually heavy bleeding, or heavy periods accompanied by unusual discomfort, you should seek the advice of your doctor immediately.

Tiffany Washko is the editor of Goddess of the Garden, , a raw foods reform site for women that focuses on transitioning to health and happiness with the power of a raw foods diet.

Recommended Reading
Fibroids Miracle
Get Rid Of Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia)
or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

All About Women Heath - Menstrual Disorder - Menorrhagia

Ayurveda Medicinal Properties of Punarnava Or Boerhavia Diffusa
By Dr. Savitha Suri

Recommended Reading
Fibroids Miracle
Get Rid Of Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia)
or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)

Boerhavia diffusa or Punarnava belongs to the family Nyctaginaceae. This is also known as spiderlings as this plant grows low and spreads like a spider web. Boerhavia diffusa is identified by the name Punarnava in India. Ayurvedic texts immensely praise the medicinal properties of this plant.
The juice of this plant has varied taste. It tastes sweet, bitter and astringent. Ayurveda acharyas indicate the properties of punarnava as light (laghu), dry (Ruksha) and hot potency (ushna veerya). All parts of plant are used in ayurvedic herbal preparations.
Medicinal properties of Punarnava or Boerhavia diffusa
According to texts of ayurveda this plant alleviates all three doshas.
In Arthritis: It helps to reduce inflammation and pain in joints.
In Indigestion: Punarnava acts as a carminative, increases appetite, digests ama and reduces abdominal pain. It also relieves constipation.
In cough: It helps to reduce productive cough and asthma
Impotence:Seeds of punarnava are used in Vajikarana Preparations. It increases hard erections and quality and quantity of semen. It rejuvenates male reproductive system.
In Skin Diseases: It is very useful in skin diseases like scabies. It is considered as an excellent natural remedy for guinea worms
In Anaemia: Boerhavia diffusa combined with other herbal ingredients help in treating anemia
In Renal diseases: It acts as a diuretic and is used in ayurvedic preparations for renal calculi (kidney stone), Cystis and nephritis.
In liver disorders:Punarnava is widely used to rejuvenate liver and detoxify it. It helps in jaundice o r hepatitis. It is employed in Brazilian herbal medicine to stimulate the emptying of the gallbladder and for all types of liver disorders
In menorrhagia: Boerhavia diffusa is used as an active ingredient in ayurvedic preparations for menorrhagia
Body Rejuvenation: It rejuvenates whole body and gives a new life and health (Hence the name Punarnava (New again)). It strengthens the body and normalizes doshas. This helps to boost the immunity to diseases.
Note: Cardiac patients should use this herb under the supervision of a qualified doctor.
The author Dr.SavithaSuri is an Ayurvedic Physician and web master of Ayurveda free consultations. Read complete article at Ayurveda properties punarnava

Recommended Reading
Fibroids Miracle
Get Rid Of Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia)
or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)

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